Saturday, June 14, 2014

Great Wall of Gretna and Cooked Chicken Feet

A little warn, but a beautiful day to do some exploring on the West Bank of New Orleans. Not exactly exploring, but we went over there to try a Chinese restaurant that Jannette's co-worker suggested. It was Dim Sum. That's some sorta Chinese word for "we put the food on small plates and charge just as much."

In any case, the restaurant was in Gretna, which is just across the Mississippi River from downtown New Orleans. Crossing the Crescent City Connection bridge over the majestic Big Muddy always gives me a bit of a chill, even today with a 91 degree sunny day.

Cheeto purred as steady as always and we were at our destination 30 minutes early. Given the heat and humidity, I would have expected to feel like we were melting at intersections with red lights, but the heat coming off her wasn't bad.

So what was bad? Well, I'm not entirely sure, because I wasn't about to eat the cooked chicken feet, smothered in some sorta sauce. In fact, there were several items that i wasn't about to put in my mouth. Jannette's co-worker, Mike, is famous for eating Chinese things that even starving children in Ethiopia wouldn't touch. But I ate the snails. And the white rice. And lots of water.

On the way home from the restaurant, we decided to take the long way.  We diverted off I-10 and took US-90 East at Chef Menteur. After cruising through Little Vietnam, through the levee wall, Venetian Isles, and past the Ringolets. We wound up crossing over to the north shore and then back to I-10 via Old Spanish Trail in Slidell.

Expecting the typical NOLA speed-freaks and cell phone drivers, we found that we had somehow avoided most of the crazies and had no close calls. Traffic was relatively light, considering it was Father's Day weekend.

Pulled in to the garage, put Cheeto on the lift, jumped in the pool, and a few hours later, I got to scrubbin' the back wheel (it's been far too long since I gave that portion enough cleaning attention).
But now she's gleaming.

And no cooked chicken or Cheeto feet.

Miles ridden so far: 450
Miles ridden on this trip: 87
Total miles in 2014: 537