Monday, January 31, 2011

When the cold wind brings snow and ice...

...It's time to start letting the mind wander to warmer times.

Since we're supposedly in for a doozy of a winter weather system, my mind is racing and thinking of places I can escape to.

Clearly, I can't just up and go, but I can start thinking of warmer climes to head for when the winter starts to break, just so I can get a quick relief from these chilly temperatures and frozen precipitation.

Memphis, for example. Now today it's 66 degrees (F) there. By Thursday it'll be just 33 for a high, but still, it's better than our planned 16 degree high for that day. Surely by late March, Memphis will be in the 70's (or better) and that would make for some good riding weather. Memphis in August versus Memphis in March. Easy answer.

Want another? New Orleans. Today's high 67 degrees. I could live with that. Again, it's far better than burning up in the Big Easy in August.

How about Florida? Yeah, there's a reason Daytona sets Bike Week on the first full week of March. Because all of us up north are suffering from cabin fever. We could really use an excuse to get a jump on the riding season. But rather than fight the crowds in Daytona or Daytona Beach, I think I'll meander on over to Pensacola where the high temps average about 70 in March.

And yes, I'm fully aware that the first day's ride from Fort Wayne will be a cold one. No matter where the destination is. But you gotta take the bad with the good.

So I'm looking for suggestions... where can I take my happy, frozen butt in March to get warmed up and not have to ride more than 2 days to get there? You tell me. I'm always open to suggestions!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A New Blog!

It's about time to start a new blog. So here it is.
Gordo's Rides.

I'm hoping to share some details of rides I've done, those I'm planning on doing, and get some ideas from you on where and when to have a fantastic time on a motorcycle.

Probably will get off to a slow start, but it should be fun.

Brand new this time around will be my 2005 Honda VTX 1800N, nicknamed Cheeto II. Just got her in December, 2010 from a guy in Missouri.

So please return and of course, feel free to give me feedback, you know I love that!
